Mintz Levin Video Profiles

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When the Mintz-Levin launched their new website, Bridge Street worked with the Mintz Levin Marketing and PR Team to produce upwards of 100 short profiles and “Hot Topic” segments over the course of a 2 and half years.

This example features Sue Finegan, a Partner, who is charged with managing the hundreds of pro bono cases that Mintz Levin handles annually. You can find other examples at

When the first of these video clips were rolled out, they were very well received by JD Supra’s client services director, Paul Ryplewski who wrote the following article entitled: “Law Firm Video Done Right”

“…over the past week, I’ve really been enjoying the stream of new Mintz Levin videos to hit JD Supra. They’re well produced, a nice addition to the firm’s body of work, and, in my estimation, a great example of how law firms might use video to showcase attorney and practice group expertise.”

The entire article along with other video samples can be found here.